Wisconsin Florists Foundation

What Is The Wisconsin Florists Foundation?

Wisconsin Florists Foundation (WFF) while independent of WUMFA is an important partner in education.  It provides individuals and organizations with a tax deductible way to contribute to the future of the industry we’ve all grown to love. The board consists of current and retired members of the floral industry and annually awards grants and scholarships based on the funds collected and earned through its trust.

WUMFA and its members directly benefit by enjoying lower fees for classes based on WFF support. WFF also awards scholarships to individuals and contributes to educational programs at the annual convention. With other sponsorships to education dwindling in the industry this is an immeasurably valuable resource for WUMFA to continue its mission.

How You can be a part of Wisconsin Florists Foundation!

Be a contributor!  Wisconsin Florists Foundation relies on contributions from folks like you and builds those funds to return back to the industry in the form of scholarships and grants! Leave your legacy in the industry! Set up a trust or donation on behalf of yourself or someone else. Create a scholarship in someone’s name and continue growing our industry.

How to make a difference in our industry!

OPTION 1: Donate online

OPTION 2: Call the WUMFA office 517-253-7730.

OPTION 3: Print and complete the form and return to WUMFA office:
1152 Haslett Road, PO Box 67, Haslett, MI 48440
Fax 517-575-0115.
Click Here to download the form.

When you contribute to WFF, specify if you wish to donate in memory of someone or in honor of an anniversary or event. Remember your contributions to WFF are tax exempt.

1152 Haslett Rd. - PO Box 67
Haslett, MI 48840

Phone: (517) 253-7730
Fax: (517) 575-0115