Register for CF Online Courses

WUMFA offers Online CF Classes at $75 Per Course for Members and $100 Per Course for Non-Members. You can sign up for the Online CF Courses using a major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) here. Just select the class you’d like and fill out the form.

Advertising And Promotions –
Advertising and Promotion In today’s advertising market the consumer is over exposed to commercial messages. You must get noticed. This course will provide you tools for success.

Care And Handling Of Cut Flowers And Foliage –
Cut flowers, even though they have been separated from the parent plant, are living, actively metabolizing plant parts. You will explore the factors affecting quality, tips for handling roses, pretreatments and Care and Handling Terms.

Concepts Of The Care And Handling Of Foliage And Flowering Plants –
Plants add a touch to our homes and brighten our indoor surroundings. In the course you will learn the Plant’s Morphology, the Plant’s Physiology, Plant Nomenclature and much more.

Customer Relations –
In today’s market, our thoughts, plans and directions must be focused on those who make our business and its success possible, the customer.

Daily Business Procedures –
The goal of Daily Business Procedures is to acquaint the individual with the basic definitions and business procedures needed to operate a floral shop on a day to day basis.

Delivery Made Simple –
In today’s 24 hour, self service society, few customer-oriented personalized services remain. Delivery is a service that is almost extinct in retailing and is the one commodity the floral industry has to keep customers coming to our shops.

Employee Relations –
A business cannot function effectively without people. Too many business owners & managers tend to neglect the human side of their operation. We’ll addresses locating qualified people, hiring techniques, interviewing, training, motivation & more.

Principles Of Design –
This course might well be called “Tools of Design”. These principles are not arbitrary rules: they are constant guidelines.

The Art Of Effective Visual Merchandising –
Merchandising is anything that you do to develop your business and move your product. The course will show you how to prepare a merchandising calendar, explain productive use of space, design, lighting, signage and much more.

*The CF program is recognized as an AIFD approved pathway program to their PFDE (Professional Floral Designer Evaluation). The CF is also recognized as a National Certification Program by NAFA (National Alliance of Floral Associations).

1152 Haslett Rd. - PO Box 67
Haslett, MI 48840

Phone: (517) 253-7730
Fax: (517) 575-0115